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base Pool and Billiards Terminology

Beginners to many different games, hobbies, and endeavors are often confused by all the jargon and terminology used in these pursuits. The pool and billiards world is no different in this respect. There are many words and phrases that are unique to this sport. In semi--alphabetical order, here are some of the most coarse ones.

The "aim spot" on the cue ball is the exact spot where the cue tip contacts the cue ball. The spot at where this sense is made determines if the cue ball rolls perfectly straight or has some swerve to it. The "aim spot" on the object ball, or the ball that is being shot at, is the exact spot on this ball where the cue ball should sense it, to make it trip in the desired direction to go into the pocket.

Rack Rails

The "break" occurs when the player shoots into the racked balls to start the pool game. This break causes the balls to disperse all around the table where they may be shot at and pocketed. "Bottom English" refers to the custom of contacting the cue ball with the cue tip vertically below the town of the cue. When done correctly, this causes the cue ball to spin backwards, or in the direction opposite to the line of travel, thereby causing the cue ball to reverse direction when contacting the object ball.

The "bridge" is where the shaft of the cue stick is rested on and where it slides when taking a shot. This bridge may either be the "bridge hand", or the "bridge stick", which is used when a longer reach is needed to passage the cue ball. The "bumpers", also referred to as the "cushions" or the "banks", are the rubber sides that are attached to the rails of the pool table. A "bank shot" is one where the cue ball and/or object ball is intentionally bounced off the bumpers while the shot. The "bed" or slate of the pool table is the actual flat playing surface.

The word "billiards" refers, in the strict sense, to the pocket--less, carom-type game of the same name. However, in the Usa it has come to also mean pocket billiards as well. The "butt" end of the pool cue is the thicker end where the player grabs the cue to manipulate it. The "butt" of a two--piece pool cue is regularly where most of the ornament and design work is displayed. "Ball-in-hand" refers to the quality of a pool shooter to place the cue ball wherever he wants on the pool table, for his next shot, after his opponent scratches or commits a foul.

The "corner pockets" are those pockets that are at the four corners of the pool table. "Chalk" is used on the cue tip to provide a good grip of the cue tip on the cue ball so as to prevent miscues -- also referred to as "chalking up. "Hand chalk" is used by many players to provide a smooth, frictionless slide of the cue shaft straight through the bridge hand. A "combination" is where the cue ball hits one object ball into another, with the intent of sinking one of the object balls.

The "cue ball" is the white ball that is hit by the cue stick to make sense with the other balls. The "cue stick", or "cue", regularly made of hard wood, is the stick that the player uses to hit the balls. To "call" your shot means to verbally announce which ball you are shooting for and where you plan to pocket it. A "cue case" is a case that is used to store and vehicle the cue stick.

A "double kiss" refers to a shot where the cue ball contacts the object ball twice before pocketing it. This is regularly carefully a foul and causes the shooter to lose his shot. "Diamonds" are the inlays on the rails of many pool tables that support the shooter in development bank shots. "Draw" is done by hitting the cue ball below center, development it spin in a reverse direction, and causing it to trip backwards after hitting the object ball.

The "eight ball" is the black ball with the amount eight on it. "Eight ball" also refers to the game of the same name, where shooters must either make all the solid or striped balls, and the eight ball is the last ball to be pocketed for the win. "English" refers to the custom of putting side spin on the cue ball, regularly for the purpose of affecting the trip of the cue ball and causing it to stop at an optimum location for the next shot. The "felt" is the cloth that covers the bed of the pool table and the cushions.

"Follow" is caused by hitting the cue ball above center, thereby development it spin forward in the direction of travel. This causes the cue ball to "follow" the object ball after contacting it instead of stopping like it would regularly do, and is used for cue position. The "ferrule" is the plastic piece on the end of the cue shaft that the cue tip is attached to. A "foul" is some illegal move or a breaking of the rules of the game, regularly resulting in the shooter losing his shot.

"High balls" refers to the balls with the higher numbers of 9 straight through 15, which are also the striped balls. A "hustler" is a pool player that regularly shoots well and tries to win money or other value from an opponent, sometimes straight through deceit or trickery. A "jump shot" is one where the cue ball is "jumped" over an additional one ball that is in the way of the object ball. The "joint" of the pool cue is where the pieces of a two--piece cue are screwed together.

A "lag" is one way to decree who shoots first when beginning a pool game. Each shooter hits a ball from one rail, the long way down the table, bounces it off the far bank, and tries to stop his ball closest to the beginning rail. The closest ball wins the "lag" and that man shoots first. "Low balls" refers to the balls with the lower numbers 1 straight through 7, which are also the balls with the solid or non-striped paint scheme.

A cue tip "mushrooms" after is has been used a lot. When this happens the leather tip loses its shape and begins to flatten out and expand sideways into a mushroom--like shape, which adversely affects its shot--making abilities. A "miscue" occurs when the cue tip does not hit the cue ball correctly while a shot and glances off the side of the ball, causing it to trip in an incorrect direction. Chalking the cue before each shot helps avoid this occurrence.

"Nine ball" is the yellow striped ball and also refers to the popular game of the same name. This game is played with the 1 straight through 9 balls and is a rotation type game, where the balls are hit in numerical sequence, and the nine ball is pocketed last to win the game. "Open table" is called when the man who breaks does not make any balls on the break. The table is "open" for the opponent to shoot at his option of balls.

The "object ball" is the ball that the shooter is aiming at and attempting to pocket. "One pocket" is a game where each shooter must drop all of his assigned balls into one particular pocket on the table. Each player has a different pocket from the other. A "pocket" is of course the hole where the balls are shot into. There are six on the modern pocket billiards table -- one at each projection and one in the town of the long rails. The "pool cue" is the purpose-made stick for shooting pool balls.

The "rails" are the four sides on the bed of the pool table that the cushions are attached to and the pockets are cut into. Bouncing the cue ball off the cushion before hitting the object ball is referred to as hitting it "off the rail". The "rack" is the plastic or wood triangular frame that holds the balls in the strict position as they are "racked" for a game. "Running" the table in eight ball is when the shooter breaks the rack and proceeds to pocket all his balls, including the eight ball, in one turn. "Rotation" is when the balls are pocketed in numerical order, as in the game of nine ball.

A "scratch" occurs when the cue ball is pocketed or knocked off the table while the game. Depending on the game, it is either given to the opponent as ball-in-hand or located behind the head string for the next shot. A pool "shark" is man who is regularly very proficient at pool. A "safety" refers to the custom of shooting the cue ball to a location that is inconvenient for your opponent, when you cannot make a shot for your desired object ball. The "shaft" of the pool cue is the more narrow section that slides straight through the bridge hand and ends in the cue tip.

The "solids" are the stripe--less 1 straight through 7 balls. The "stripes" are the striped 9 straight through 15 balls. The "spot" is the location on the table where balls are located that are knocked off the table or are removed from the pocket. There are often actual paper "spots" that are stuck on the table cloth -- the foot spot and the head spot. The "slate" is the flat bed or playing outside of the pool table that is verily made of slate on good tables. Because it is so heavy, this slate is often made into three pieces for ease of handling.

A "stop shot" is one where the cue ball is made to "stop" in its tracks as soon as it contacts the object ball. This is regularly done to align the cue ball optimally for the next shot. The "stance" refers to the position of the body for shooting pool. In the ideal "stance", the feet should be shoulder width apart and the body bent over at the waist, with the dominant eye directly over the pool cue. "Straight pool" is an additional one popular game where the shooter pockets the balls in any order, with the object of the game to be the first to pocket a set amount of balls.

"Topspin" or ensue is achieved by hitting the cue ball above town with the cue tip. This causes the cue ball to spin in the direction of trip and is used for cue positioning. And finally, the "tip" is the cue tip -- the crown-shaped leather piece that is attached to the ferrule and contacts the cue ball.

base Pool and Billiards Terminology

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